Underrated: The Sky of Michigan’s Forgotten Coast

Light pollution is minimal, the landscape is flat, and we’re surrounded by Lake Huron…the sky is a huge feature of our area.

When I moved out of Michigan one of the first things I missed was our gorgeous sky. I think a lot of us who grew up here don’t appreciate it like we should…I mean it’s the same sky everywhere, right? No, it’s not. Well, technically it is but the view is vastly different. Factors like light pollution, landscape, and air pollution don’t allow you to see that sky like you can on Michigan’s Forgotten Coast.

One of the unique features of Michigan’s Forgotten Coast is that you can see the sun rise and set over Lake Huron!

Even beyond the lake, in many places here you can see to the horizon (or close to it) in every direction. The landscape is flat, we don’t have a ton of tall buildings, the roads are straight…you’re often in a full dome of sky all around you. You can watch interesting cloud formations and see storms rolling in from miles away.

At night you can be surrounded by that dome of sky when it’s full of stars (and planets!). Lay back and view the full Milky Way, and sometimes even the Northern Lights!

If you’re looking for a great spot to check out the night sky, visit the Dark Sky Preserve at Port Crescent State Park!


Check out some photos of our local sky from our friend Tyler at Michigan Sky Media!

Follow him on Instagram, Facebook, and be sure to check out his website & store here.