
Kinde is a small village located in Huron County between Bad Axe and Port Austin. Like most of the surrounding area, Kinde is known for its agricultural activities. There is a K-12 public school, a cooperative elevator and lumber yard, a gas station, two restaurants, and a salon among other businesses. Kinde is also known for its Polka Festival.


Live in Kinde

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Work in Kinde

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Kinde's economy is closely tied to agriculture. The surrounding area is known for its fertile soil which is primarily used for farming for the cultivation of crops like corn, soybeans, and sugar beets. Looking for something different? You will find many opportunities for work only a short drive away.


Area Employers


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What makes Kinde Special?

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Unique features of Kinde

Village park with playground and ball field

Polka Festival

Village infrastructure and amenities

Village Police & Volunteer Fire Department

DK through Grade 12 Public School


Community Projects & Developments


Business Growth in Kinde

Those in Kinde looking for heating and cooling services will no longer have to drive down a dirt road to get them. Airtech Heating and Cooling is moving its base of operations to the village proper, no longer out of the way of potential customers. "Everybody is all excited about getting fixed up," said Owner Adam Dubs. Read more.

Barn Art

The barn art is called Secret Sky by Catie Newell and is located on Pinnebog Road at 5201 N Pinnebog Rd, Kinde, MI, 48445. By day you can see the patterning and intricacy of the barn walls, juxtaposed with a massive cut that lets the daylight pour through. At night, the work glows from within, acting as a large-scale lantern in the landscape. Learn more.